“Teachers must learn how to teach … they need only to be taught more effective ways of teaching.” –B.F.Skinner. When we say the word “learning”, we usually mean “to think using the brain”. This basic concept of learning is the main viewpoint in the Cognitive Learning Theory. The theory has been used to explain mental processes as they are influenced by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors, which eventually bring about learning in an individual.
Some time we
teachers believe that, learning is knowledge and thing that can simply be given
by the teacher at the front of the room to students in their desk. We get
chance to give students to construct their knowledge. After studying this
theory I came to know how wrong we are. Knowledge is constructed by learners
through an active, mental process of development. Students learn by fitting new
information together with what they already know.
Important people in behaviorisms are:
Important people in behaviorisms are:
B.F.Skinner – Developed the theory
of operant conditioning. Operant
conditioning is the use of consequences to modify the occurrence and form of
John B. Watson – The “little Albart”
experiment. He gets credit for establishing the psychological school of behaviourism.
Threndike – The law of effect
is a learning theory found in psychology which explains how people might
acquire knowledge and learn. It therefore has direct application to education.
The theory suggests that humans construct knowledge and meaning from their
experiences. Constructivism is not a specific pedagogy.
Cooperative learning is an educational approach which
aims to organize classroom activities into academic and social learning
experiences. There is much more to Cooperative Learning than merely arranging
students into groups, and it has been described as "structuring positive
interdependence. This topic I have learnt in classroom management module also,
so it made me easy to understand the concept of this topic.
Cognitive and behaviorism are two schools of thought we have learned
in this module. Cognitive psychologists try to understand the process involved
and how they operate. They argue that in
order to understand the behaviour of an individual, the internal events that
happen within the individual must be studied. Behaviourist believes that
learning is just a change of behaviour. According
to them, behaviourism does not really explain how the mind operates and people
attempt to organize and make sense of the information they learn.