
·       Thinking about your own thinking
·       Metacognition is the process of self-awareness of learning  
·       Knowledge about one’s own cognitive system:
Thinking about one’s own thinking
Essential skill for learning to learn

Metacognition also includes thoughts about:
1.     What we know or don’t know
2.     Regulating how we learn things

Helping students to use their metacognitive abilities:
-          Have students monitor their own learning and thinking
-          Have students learn study strategies
-          Have students make predictions about information to be presented Next based on what they have read
-          Have students relate ideas to existing knowledge structures
-          Have students develop questions: ask questions of themselves, about what’s going on around them
-        Help students to know when to ask for help.

Metacognition in the classroom
Metacognition involves 3 processes
1.     Awareness
2.     Planning
3.     Monitoring/reflection
These processes can enable students to better control their thinking can became more efficient and flexible learners.

Examples of metacognition

1. What is metacognition?  Explain 4 things you can do to improve children’s metacognitive abilities.
Metacognition is thinking about your own thinking.
To improve children’s metacognitive abilities teachers can help
-          Have students to monitor their own learning and thinking
-          Have students to learn study strategies
-          Have students to develop questions: ask questions of themselves, about what’s going on around them
-          Help students to know when to ask for help

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